From Friday 17th to Sunday 19th, September, we were around 45 Gen boys from Bujumbura gathered together in the Focolare for our annual Congress. It was a such great moment and experience.

Gen 2 Congress Burundi
We were first of all welcomed by all Focolarini and at the same time, our Gen Assistant introduced the Congress with its program. The goal of this Congress was to evaluate our life as Gen and it was characterized by experiences and private talks. We got a Meditation on the choice of meditations about the specific aspect of the Gen and Jesus Forsaken were moments to go in deep into our roots that make out a lot of communion and experiences we also got the opportunity to have an open dialogue between us Gen ( a kind of Scan of our past life in order to identify our weaknesses and sickness ).
We then realized that we didn’t live well the gen life and we made a new commitment and decided to start again all together keeping Jesus in our midst we also took advantage of this special moment to form new Gen units.