#Daretocare Angola 2021

The New Generations of Zonetta de Angola carried out a journey that was called… #daretocare from Pathway. #Daretocare, assuming, actively caring, giving importance to everything that happens in the world and around us; the most fragile and the most vulnerable, including our planet. On October 31, we dedicated ourselves to “taking care of health, living the “green” as one of the aspects of our regulations, but interpreted for young youth, as an appeal that Pope Francis makes in the Encyclical. Fratelli a Tutti, on the evocation of an open fraternity, which allows each person to be recognized, valued and loved, beyond physical proximity, beyond the place in the universe where they were born or live; this day was attended by young people and teenagers who showed their talents in the dance and music workshop, in sports practice and above all in the construction of supernatural relationships.

Gen 2 of Zonetta de Angola